Otra de individualismo vs. colectivismo: el modelo social árabe

“In individualistic Western societies,” Burdman writes, “the affected individual may rebel against family and society, frequently with criminality.” But because of Arab society’s “strongly collectivist and patriarchal nature, the individual characteristically does not criminally act out against the mores of family and society.” Instead the suppressed rage gets directed at “a socially endorsed target—in this case, Jews and Israel.”

This “authoritarian nature of Arab society” is

manifested in teaching methods involving rote learning and the disallowance of disparate opinion, in schools and in the patriarchal home where absolute obedience and corporal punishment are norms, and in societal pressures for conformity of thought and deed, both personal and political. Bernard Lewis . . . affirms that “immunity from critical comment or discussion is accepted as normal even in ostensibly secular and democratic Muslim societies.”

Interesantísimo artículo de S. Jackson para Free Republic al que llego vía "Die Achse des Guten".

Si se quedan con ganas de más, no dejen de leer a renglón seguido el texto de Daphne Burdman al que se refiere Jackson, publicado en la web del Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs:

Palestinian hatred of the Jews emanates from three principal sociohistorical sources: (1) Koranic and Hadith injunctions; (2) extremist Islamic militancy; and (3) the highly successful indoctrination and incitement of children established by the Palestinian Authority under Yasser Arafat. The evolution of this hatred is related to psychological processes arising from Arab childrearing practices. An authoritarian upbringing, particularly when severely punitive, is associated with personality characteristics incorporating a Manichean thought process and lack of empathy. Indoctrination of such personality types can readily orient them to terrorism and "martyrdom." Severely dysfunctional families in the West are progenitors of particularly violent criminals. In the Arab-Muslim world, the strongly collective nature of society appears to incline such individuals to action on a group level. The essentially monolithic ideology and practice of Islam, which date from the inception of the Arab-Muslim world, make Palestinian hatred merely one instance of general Arab-Muslim, particularly Islamist, hatred of Jews and of the West.

Y sabiendo que esas cosas son así (recuerden: la nuestra no entra en el grupo de individualistic Western societies), aún hay quien no entienda que nos neguemos rotundamente a que el Estado eduque a nuestros hijos?

Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

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