Garzón investigará a Zapatero

La sospecha de apología del terrorismo y colaboración con banda armada se cierne sobre nuestro Presidente del Gobierno. Apenas unas horas después de que el juez Garzón se enterase de que el plan estratégico del PLO, adoptado en la XII Sesión del Consejo Nacional Palestino el 9 de Junio de 1974 en Cairo, sigue vigente, ha decidido abrir expediente informativo contra Rodriguez Zapatero, el señor Moratinos y una larga lista de dirigentes del PSOE, IU y partidos nacionalistas (varios de ERC). El juez sostiene que hay indicios de posible delito.

El Plan palestino, apoyado por Rodriguez, gira en torno a tres puntos centrales:

1. Establecimiento a través de la «lucha armada» (es decir, terrorismo), de una «Autoridad Nacional Combativa Independiente» sobre cualquier territorio que «se libere» del yugo israelí. (artículo 2)

2. Continuar la lucha contra Israel, usando el territorio de la Autoridad Nacional como base de operaciones. (el artículo 4)

3. Provocar una guerra total en la cual los vecinos árabes de Israel destruyan enteramente el país judío («liberar todo el territorio palestino»). (artículo 8)

Para el lector interesado de este blog, copia de los acuerdos alcanzados en aquella famosa sesión del Consejo Nacional Palestino:

Political Programme
Adopted at the 12th Session of the Palestinian National Council
Cairo, June 9, 1974
Text of the Phased Plan resolution:

The Palestinian National Council:

On the basis of the Palestinian National Charter and the Political Programme drawn up at the eleventh session, held from January 6-12, 1973; and from its belief that it is impossible for a permanent and just peace to be established in the area unless our Palestinian people recover all their national rights and, first and foremost, their rights to return and to self-determination on the whole of the soil of their homeland; and in the light of a study of the new political circumstances that have come into existence in the period between the Council’s last and present sessions, resolves the following:

1. To reaffirm the Palestine Liberation Organization’s previous attitude to Resolution 242, which obliterates the national right of our people and deals with the cause of our people as a problem of refugees. The Council therefore refuses to have anything to do with this resolution at any level, Arab or international, including the Geneva Conference.
2. The Liberation Organization will employ all means, and first and foremost armed struggle, to liberate Palestinian territory and to establish the independent combatant national authority for the people over every part of Palestinian territory that is liberated. This will require further changes being effected in the balance of power in favour of our people and their struggle.
3. The Liberation Organization will struggle against any proposal for a Palestinian entity the price of which is recognition, peace, secure frontiers, renunciation of national rights and the deprival of our people of their right to return and their right to self-determination on the soil of their homeland.
4. Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization’s strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian state specified in the resolutions of previous Palestinian National Councils.
5. Struggle along with the Jordanian national forces to establish a Jordanian-Palestinian national front whose aim will be to set up in Jordan a democratic national authority in close contact with the Palestinian entity that is established through the struggle.
6. The Liberation Organization will struggle to establish unity in struggle between the two peoples and between all the forces of the Arab liberation movement that are in agreement on this programme.
7. In the light of this programme, the Liberation Organization will struggle to strengthen national unity and to raise it to the level where it will be able to perform its national duties and tasks.
8. Once it is estabished, the Palestinian national authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity.
9. The Liberation Organization will strive to strengthen its solidarity with the socialist countries, and with forces of liberation and progress throughout the world, with the aim of frustration all the schemes of Zionism, reaction and imperialism.
10. In light of this programme, the leadership of the revolution will determine the tactics which will serve and make possible the realization of these objectives.

The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization will make every effort to implement this programme, and should a situation arise affecting the destiny and the future of the Palestinian people, the National Assembly will be convened in extraordinary session.

Me dice un lector que no, que esos son los «buenos» y que contra los «buenos» no se hacen juicios. Cachis…

Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

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